I love the image of an arrow. I even love the way it sounds to say arrow. Ok, I am obsessing a little, so I thought I would share some of my favorite arrow items from where else? Etsy.

Arrow Jewelry
I love a simple pair of gold stud earrings. These ones from LiamofYork for $70. 
This 14carat gold bent arrow ring   by PoisonAppleNYC is only $32. The size is adjustable, so you could switch it from finger to finger.
This arrow lariat by chainchainchained is $28. Love the way this looks resting on her decolletage. Simple and sexy.

Arrows for the Home
 These vintage arrows look so cool displayed in the home. Look up vintage arrows on Etsy or Ebay and you might find something like this:
 These beauties are from the sudaytimesmarket on Etsy for $40. Yes please!