The last few weeks have been packed with photo shoots, birthdays and exciting new work ventures. I like being busy this time of year. The overcast mornings and cooler temps make it a little harder to get out of bed in the morning, but I've been forcing myself to wake up early and take a little time to enjoy my coffee before my work day officially begins. This weekend, my friend Jacqui and I decided to take a short trip to Yosemite. We both are dying to see some changing leaves and have a chance to wear a scarf. It's supposed to be over 80 degrees in LA, so I feel like we are getting out of town at just the perfect time. I'm sure there will be lots of photo opportunities, so follow me on instagram for a peak at my trip. In the meantime, here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...


The last few weeks have been a dream. I got to work and spend time with friends and family in New York City and attend an old friend's wedding in Martha's Vineyard. Both two of my favorite places on the planet. New York makes me feel alive, energized and strangely at home. Martha's Vineyard makes me feel peaceful, contemplative and overwhelmed (in a good way) with it's beauty. I got to see many old friends in my travels and meet new kindred spirits. I must say, It's been hard coming back to LA after such a wonderful trip. An overflowing inbox and piling up work was waiting for me upon my return; and of course brought me right back to reality. But that's life. The other day I was thinking how even if I didn't make money doing what I do, I would still do it; because for me photography is part of me. I can't not do it. So even when I am begrudgingly glued to my computer for days, responding to emails and editing photos, it's still exactly what I want to be doing. Well...almost. Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile... 


The last few weeks It's really started to feel like summer. Maybe it was my getaway to Palm Springs for the 4th, the few beach and pool days I've managed to sneak in, or watching sunsets, cold drink in hand with both new friends and old. Come Monday I will be headed back east again to my favorite magical island- Martha's Vineyard. It's crazy to think that it's been 44 days since I posted this instagram, counting down the days to my trip. This time I'm bringing two friends with me who share my love of exploring and photography, so this should be quite a fun trip. I'm sure I'll be going a little instagram crazy while I'm there, so make sure to follow me @sweetthingblog to come along on the journey. In the meantime, here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...


Another week, come and gone my friends. What are you up to this weekend? I'll be spending mine finishing up a few jobs before I head out on Monday for two back to back trips. I can hardly contain my excitement! First off Ojai and then a bachelorette trip to Boston and York, Maine. While I have spent many a summer in Massachusetts, I have never been to Maine. I've heard it's very similar to Martha's Vineyard, so I'm sure I feel right at home. We are only there two nights, but If you have any favorite restaurants or sights in Maine, I'd love to hear them. For now, here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile... 


Well, these last few weeks have just flown by. Somehow it's almost summer and I can't believe it. I have all kinds of fun trips coming up to be excited for, like Boston, Maine, Martha's Vineyard and Palm Springs twice. I can hardly wait! I've been jonesing to get out of town lately, but with my schedule I haven't been able to make it happen. This past week I was up in my hometown of Ojai for a photo shoot and just as I was about to start driving home one of my appointments got canceled. I suddenly realized I didn't have a reason to come back to LA, at least for a few days, so I called some friends and they joined me for an impromptu Ojai sleep over. It was out of control fun and exactly what I needed. I didn't turn on my computer for four whole days. Unheard of. When I returned to LA the fun didn't stop because I had a friend's birthday to celebrate, a night planned picnicking and watching Clueless at the cemetery and an Arrested Development marathon to attend. All and all a very full and perfect long weekend if I do say so. How about you, what did you do this holiday weekend? Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...


These last few weeks have been all about work work work. I haven't had time for much else. Sometimes forgetting to eat. I've been going at a pace that I know I can't sustain. And while I know something has to give, I feel so incredibly grateful for each and every opportunity that has come my way. I think many of you who work from home can relate, that sometimes days can go by with little to zero human interaction other than through twitter or instagram. For that reason I've been forcing myself to take breaks, even if it's just leaving the house to grab a cup of coffee or have dinner with friends. I keep telling myself it wont always be like this. But than I wonder if that's true. 
Wishing you all a happy Mother's Day weekend! Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...

*follow me on instagram @sweetthingblog


The last few weeks have been like a blur. A good blur, if that's possible. As crazy as things have been, I feel like I'll always remember this time as some of the greatest of my life. Something has come over me recently. This feeling that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. That the universe is working overtime to turn what could have been the worst year, into the best. I have had so many reasons to smile lately. Even though I feel so overwhelmed with work sometimes, I ultimately spend my days doing exactly what it is I love to do most, take photographs. I even have a new business venture in the works, which is getting me very excited. I have a {growing} group of friends who are smart, supportive and inspiring. I live in the sweetest little house, in a city I adore. Of course there are things I could say are missing in my life, but I know I must be patient. Five months ago my life was turned upside down. And I must say, I'm quite happy with where it's landed. Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...


Thank goodness the weekend is here. Not that the weekend really has any meaning as a freelancer, but I do plan on attempting to catch up on pretty much everything. I apologize for the the radio silence over here lately. I've been juggling lots of work {can't complain} and putting the finishing touches on my breakout session for Lucky FABB. I'm starting to get to that point where I just can't do it all. An intern of some sort is feeling inevitable, which is exciting but also terrifies me. I know my fears as a freelance artist are quite common. I'm sure many of you struggle with the business side of your careers. When do you finally give in, release a little control and say I just can't do this alone? I'm about to start reading Lean In for my book group and feel like it couldn't come at a better time. In the mean time, here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...


Luckily this last week things have mellowed out just a bit. I've had slightly more time to finish up photo projects and sneak in a little time with friends as well. I've started taking daily walks around the Silver Lake reservoir, which is so necessary since I spend so much time at my computer. The weather can't seem to make up it's mind these days, but I prefer it that way. One day I get to wear my Hunter wellies and the next I'm pulling out a summer dress. It sure keeps things interesting. I've got quite a busy weekend ahead full of celebrations. I'm quite looking forward to it. What about you, do you have anything fun planned or do will you be taking it easy?
Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...


Hello March, hello weekend. That feels so good to write. The last few weeks have been some of the busiest of my life work wise, which has been both exhausting and amazing. I've barely come up for air, but the few times I have I've been happily decorating and settling into my new house. I feel absolutely giddy each morning I wake up here. This is one of the first weekends in a while that I only have one photo shoot, so I'll have some time to catch up on emails (sorry everyone, so behind on this) and blog reading. I haven't read another blog in over a month and I feel like something's missing in my life. Thank goodness for Instagram, which has been my way to still feel connected to you all. Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...


Just as January seemed to go by at a snails pace, February is going by at warp speed. How is this month halfway over? This week has been spent painting and moving into my new house and while I'd love to take the weekend to unpack and organize, I have lots of photo jobs sure to keep me far too busy. Oh well, It'll just have to wait. As soon as I have some time on my hands, I promise to share a few more photos of the place. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...


Happy February 1st. Was it just me or did January seem endless? Probably because January was all about waiting. Waiting to find a place, waiting to move. I did quite enjoy myself, even though I've been living in limbo. I am just one of those people who's space is very important to them. I spend so much time at home photo editing or blogging, that if my space feels chaotic or messy It's hard for me to focus. Because my home has been all of those things, I've been trying to spend as much time away as possible. Going to museums, working in coffee shops or picnicking in the park. It's been pretty fun actually. It's like I am a tourist in my own city, which is a wonderful feeling since I've lived in LA almost ten years. I highly recommend trying it. Here is a look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...


The last few weeks have been a little all over the place with emotion. I have been packing up my house, living and working from home during construction, all the while trying to find a new place. On the bright side, I finally found a house that I will be moving into in just one months time. This new place feels right in so many ways. It is totally adorable and while I'm ridiculously excited about my new neighborhood and the memories I'll make there, It's still difficult saying goodbye to my current house that I've known and loved for seven years. Alas, it's time for new, new, new... new year, new life, new me. Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...
Happy Weekend! xo


Today I am driving up north to meet a few friends before we head up to Tahoe. It's a long drive to do alone, but I've made sure I've got music and a few audiobooks to keep me company. 
As this year comes to a close I can't help but get sentimental. I don't want my breakup to overshadow what an incredible year I've had. I try to remind myself that one day, I'll look back on this time and be grateful for all the lessons it's taught me. Every sadness or disappointment that I've had in my life has brought me somewhere even better than I could have imagined. A day will come where everything will feel right, and all of this will make sense. Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile... 
Happy Weekend! xo


The quote "when one door closes another one opens" has rung very true for me these days. The last few weeks have brought on all kinds of interesting opportunities and photo jobs and I couldn't be more grateful. It feels like the universe is at work. 
I'm quite happy the weekend is here, aren't you? I'm looking forward to finishing up my Christmas shopping and spending time with friends. Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...
Happy Weekend! xo


The last few weeks have been emotional and challenging, but they have also overwhelmed me with blessings. I usually find it hard to lean on others when times are tough. I like to feel like I can handle things on my own. Maybe it's experience or turning thirty, but this time, I haven't been afraid to ask for the support of my friends and family to get me through. They have all been there for me and I will be forever grateful. It's times like these that make you think about what you really want in life and how far you've come. I like where I'm headed. Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...
Happy Weekend! xo


This has been one of the toughest weeks of my life. I am not exactly ready to talk about what's going on, but in the midst of all my sadness I felt like it was important to reflect on the positive. I hope to feel ready to share more with you next week, but for now please except the cryptic nature of this post. Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...

Happy Weekend!! xo


Maybe it was my recent trip to Ojai or a mid-week concert with friends, but these last few weeks have seemed to fly by. Overnight it suddenly feels like fall in LA and I am starting to get excited about cozy dinners at home, the first fire of the season and spiced cider. There is nothing I love more than this time of year. I'm trying to take full advantage of these autumnal days, because I'm sure they wont last. Any fun plans for the weekend? For the first time in a long time I don't have any plans and I'm pretty thrilled about it. Maybe I'll catch up on all my blog reading or get a head start on holiday shopping. Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile... 


It has been such a busy few weeks that I barely had enough instagram photos for a lately post. I've been working on lots of cool projects, but I am having trouble finding time to do the simple things like eat or instagram {apparently}. There's no end in sight quite yet because I'm spending the next few days in Ojai helping my parents with a major garage sale/fundraiser for my old school. As soon as Sunday rolls around life will start to mellow out a bit. Next week my dear friend Teissia will be in town for a wedding she planned. Even though she's here for work, I hope to get some relaxing time in as well. Here's a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile... 

Happy Weekend! xo


The last few weeks have been truly amazing. New York was perfect from start to finish and a lot of that is thanks to my sister Merry and my dear friend Teissia. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday. I promise photos from our trip are coming next week. Since returning life has been hectic to say the least and haven't yet had time to look through them. But I guess that's what this weekend will be for, along with some mandatory relaxation. Any fun plans this weekend? I'm looking forward to spending more time with my sister Sarah, brother in law and my nephew who are in town from Italy. I don't get to see them nearly enough, so I'm treasuring every bit of time I get to spend with them. 
Here is a little look at my life of late and a few of the sweet things making me smile...