Now that I am back, I have been able to edit through all my photos of MV and NY. There are lots to come, but I thought I would start with my first day on island.
While I was in Martha's Vineyard my mom and I got to spend some time at the flea market and the farmer's market. Here are some photos of my finds...

Flea Market
Farmer's Market
The Chilmark Flea Market ~ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Wednesdays and Saturdays through September 4, 2010.  
Location: North road field across from the old schoolhouse. Between Tabor House and Tea Lane...closer to Tea Lane. Approximately three miles on the left from State Road and approximately three miles on the right from Menemsha Crossroad.

The West Tisbury Farmer's Market ~ Saturdays 9-12, June 12- October 9, Wednesdays 9-12, June 23- August 25
Location: located at the beautifully restored Old Agricultural Hall, also known as the Old Grange on 1067 State Rd, West Tisbury MA 02568